Lettie, Lemo, Freddie, and Phil are a ragtag team of adventurers on a mission to explore and protect their underwater world. All while taking care of a mysterious mystical toddler they’ve named Bacon Berry. Our heroes venture to the most remote parts of their world to complete missions for their Admiral, prove their worth and become elite members of the United Current – A group made up of humans and Fin folk united under their pledge to protect the natural world they inhabit. Their biggest challenge is the daily drama of being stuck on a tiny ship with a crew’s explosive personalities. On their adventures, the crew will unravel the truth about Bacon Berry. Who is she? Where is she from? And why is ancient, evil ooze called The Blegh pursuing her?
Lettie, Lemo, Freddie, and Phil are a ragtag team of adventurers on a mission to explore and protect their underwater world. All while taking care of a mysterious mystical toddler they’ve named Bacon Berry. Our heroes venture to the most remote parts of their world to complete missions for their Admiral, prove their worth and become elite members of the United Current – A group made up of humans and Fin folk united under their pledge to protect the natural world they inhabit. Their biggest challenge is the daily drama of being stuck on a tiny ship with a crew’s explosive personalities. On their adventures, the crew will unravel the truth about Bacon Berry. Who is she? Where is she from? And why is ancient, evil ooze called The Blegh pursuing her? Tune in Monday to Friday @ 17:35 CAT starting 7 March 2022.